Guild of Master Thatchers Commended

What Type Of Building Can be Thatched?

Thatching is one of the most ancient construction forms. Similar to roof tiling, thatchers start with the eaves and stagger each layer up the roof at an optimum pitch of at least 50 degrees to allow water to simply bounce off. As one of the most ancient forms of construction it stretches as far back as hunter gatherers using it to both keep the sun off them and protect them from wind and rain. In more recent times, the number of thatched buildings has dropped as other materials such as slate are used in roofing. However, the ancient profession is far from dying out. With many benefits such as sustainable materials and a great natural insulator, thatch is being used on many buildings, new and old. So what type of building can actually be thatched?

Thatched Buildings

Thatch isn’t available to be used on just old and listed buildings, despite common misconception. It is capable of being used on a wide range of buildings from small cottages to large hotels and pubs. From personal experience, modern applications have even included garden homes and sun lounger roofs. What needs to be considered when thinking of installing a thatch roof is the practical aspects. The roof must not have a slope of more than 50 degrees, even more when carrying heavy loads such as snow. While often used in the UK for conservation, places on the continent such as Holland have identified thatch as a viable building material capable of being used on many new builds. Thatch is capable of being used on the vast majority of buildings as long as the conditions and practical aspects allow this.


What type of building can be thatched?

Thatch can be used on garden houses