Organising our Thatch
As you know we are very busy up and down the UK. However, there are plenty of jobs that you don’t see us do. For example, we spent some time creating our very own ‘Great Wall’ maybe not a big as the wall in China but our ‘Great Wall of Thatch’ could give it a run for its money. Once we have our thatch delivered, it is actually really important that we spend time organising it and to organise it we build ‘walls’. Once the thatch is organised we know how much we have and how long it will last us for, as well as seeing the quality of our existing thatch against the newly delivered thatch.
Barge Boarding Creation
Thatching is a high-intensity job which all of the team love to do. We do lots of little manual jobs as well which involves creating replacement barge boarding. The image below is of a few timber boards in our barn after having the first coat of weather shield paint, it is important to ensure the materials used can withstand all weathers. If you have any questions regarding thatched roofs get in touch with Heart of England Master Thatchers today.